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Leadership Development Ministries


Leadership Development Ministries

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is the purpose of LDM? Can anyone attend or just those planning to enter full time ministry?
  • A: LDM is intended for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the word of God, effective leadership and the history and foundational beliefs of the Pentecostal Church of God Organization as well as ministry.
  • Q: Where will the classes be held?
  • A: All classes will be held at the Ada Full Gospel Church, located at 1047 State Route 235 Ada, Ohio 45810.
  • Q: What is the schedule for the classes?
  • A: This year’s classes will begin August 27, 2022 and will be completed May 6, 2023.  Please reference the Course Schedule & Individual Class Form 2022-2023 for details. This form is located in the registration packet for your convenience.
  • Q: What is the cost of the course?
  • A: For those electing to take the entire course, the cost will be a one time payment of $300.00 or eight monthly installments of $37.50.
  • Q: What if I don’t want to take all the classes included in the course?
  • A: Individual classes may be taken at the cost of $37.50 which includes books, materials and class instruction.
  • Q: What if my spouse chooses to attend with me? Is the course fee the same?
  • A: No. A spouse can attend the course for a one time fee of 50.00 which does not include any books and they will also receive a certificate, the monthly fee would then be $37.50.
  • Q: What is the deadline for course enrollment?
  • A: The deadline for enrollment is August 27, 2022. For those interested in taking individual classes, class enrollment is required one month prior to the date of the class to ensure book and material availability. All enrollment (registration/questionnaire form), Individual class forms are to be mailed or faxed to: – Ada Full Gospel Church. – 1047 State Route 235 Ada, Ohio 45810 – Fax: 419-634-0346
  • Q: What is the deadline for payment?
  • A: For those selecting to make a one time payment, the payment will be required on or before August 27, 2022. For those selecting to make monthly installments, the first payment will be due on or before August 27, 2022 and monthly thereafter to receive the books and materials for the following class.
  • Q: Can I purchase the books without attending the classes?
  • A: Yes. It will still be the cost of an individual class or supplementary class which is $37.50.
  • Q: I plan to attend the course but am not certain I can attend every class. What if I am unable to attend one or more classes?
  • A: Participants will not be able to miss more than two month’s classes in order to receive their certificate of completion. (Reference Guidelines for LDM Program for details pg.1 paragraph 1) Materials will be made available for the classes missed but no class instruction will be provided except via the internet. (Reference Guidelines for LDM Program for details pg. 2 question # 7.)
  • Q: How much time should I allocate for this course?
  • A: The classes will be 10:00am ~ 3:00pm. Study and home work time will be contingent upon each individual. (Reference Guidelines for LDM Program for details pg. 2 Questions # 9, 10, 11)
  • Q: If I have questions which are not addressed in the FAQ’s, what should I do?
  • A: Please contact the Leadership Development Ministries Administrator, Kim Kortokrax at Ada Full Gospel Church: Office hours Mon. – Thurs. 9am-4pm. – phone: 419-634-6132 – Email: adafullgospel@adafullgospel.com – Web: www.adafullgospel.com – Fax: 419-634-0346
  • Q: Who do we make our check/checks out to?
  • A: Please make your checks payable to the: – Ada Full Gospel
  • Q: Where do you mail/make your payments? (mail or pay when come to the class)
  • A: Ada Full Gospel Church 1047 State Route 235 Ada, Ohio 45810
  • Ohio PCG

    P.O. Box 7130
    270 Harding Street
    Defiance, OH 43512
    (419) 438-4218

    Email: pastorisaacjr@gmail.com

  • Leadership

    Ohio District Bishop –
    Isaac Shelton, Jr.               (419) 438-4218

    Ohio District Presbyter – Joe Turner               (419) 348-1932

    Ohio District Secretary – vacant until September 2024

    Ohio District Home Missions Director –
    Jerry Meyer              (419) 615-8090

    Ohio District Youth Director –
    Andrew Dent            (740) 891-1771

    Ohio District Office Administrator –              Nick Turner              (740) 704-5782

    Ohio District Women’s Ministries Director –
    Alisha Turner              (419) 348-2995

    Women’s/Youth Secretary  –                  Theresa Rhinehart

    Ohio District –
    Sectional Presbyters:

    Central/Northwest  Section –                    Rodney Reynolds

    Lake Erie Section –
    Ray Hylton

    Northeast Section –
    Jim Comstock

    Northern Section –
    L.D. Roessler

    Southeast Section –
    Donald Rowland

    Southwest Section –
    James Maggard


    District Discipleship Ministries Director –

    District King’s Men Director – Norman Wheeler, Jr.

  • Ohio PCG

    P.O. Box 7130
    270 Harding Street
    Defiance, OH 43512
    (419) 438-4218

    Email: pastorisaacjr@gmail.com

  • July 2024
    S M T W T F S
  • July 2024
    S M T W T F S
  • Daily Verse

    “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” — Hebrews 12:1 Listen to chapter . Powered by BibleGateway.com.
  • PCG National

    General Office
    2705 Brown Trail
    Bedford, Texas 76021
    (817) 554-5900

    General Bishop
    Wayman Ming, Jr.

    (Elected in June 2017)

    General Secretary
    Kelly Lineberry

    (Elected in November 2023)

    World Missions
    Virgil Kincaid

    Native American Ministries
    David Alvarez

    National Missions
    Andy Hunt

    National Youth Director
    Randy Lawrence

    Messenger College President
    James Rayburn

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