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Ohio District Constitution and By-Laws






Whereas, It is the express purpose of God, our Heavenly Father, to call out of the world a people who shall constitute the Body, the Church of Jesus Christ, built and established upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone; and Whereas, The members of the Body, the Church, are enjoined to assemble themselves together for worship, fellowship and instruction in the Word of God, the work of the ministry, and for the exercise of those spiritual gifts and offices provided for in the New Testament; and

Whereas, According to God’s Word, the early Christians came together in such fellowship as a representative Body of Blood-washed and Spirit-filled believers, who cooperated with, and sent out, evangelists and missionaries and, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, set over the churches, pastors, teachers, deacons and helpers; therefore, be it Resolved, That we recognize ourselves as a cooperative Fellowship of Christians, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ(Ephesians 4:3-13).



  1. The name of this corporation shall be Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.
  2. Our slogan shall be: “Proclaiming Bible Truth in Pentecostal Power”.
  3. The emblem shall be the open Bible, and inscribed, “Proclaiming Bible Truth in Pentecostal Power”, with the borders containing the official church name, along with “Messenger Publications”. The inner space shall be filled with the interlocking letters, “PCG” and “EST 1919”.



The objects and purpose of this corporation shall be:

(a) To preach the Gospel and further the cause of the Kingdom of God in the United States of America and foreign lands.

(b) To promote freedom of worship and liberty of expression within the limits of its own statement of faith and doctrines among its own churches, ministers, and members.

(c) To ordain, license and otherwise qualify ministers to preach the Gospel and provide credentials for the same.

(d) To rent, to buy, acquire by gifts, as well as to own, operate and use, lease, sub-rent or otherwise convey or dispose of either, real, personal, or mixed property as shall be necessary for the operation of carrying on of its business.

(e) Further, to have the right and authority to sign mortgages or deeds of trust to secure payment of the purchase price, or borrow money for the purpose of building or establishing and maintaining buildings for the corporation’s use and to do this either directly or through trustees.



The Ohio District is a part of, and in fellowship with Pentecostal Church of God (Incorporated), an incorporated body with headquarters at Bedford, Texas, and shall be entitled to representation at the General Conventions.



(a) The District Board of the Ohio District shall name the place and time of the annual District Convention.

(b) Convention shall start on a given date and end when business is finished.

(c) In those years when there is no election for District Bishop or District Secretary/Treasurer seminars will be conducted for pastors, evangelists and other ministries and departments.



The Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District, now has, and shall always maintain a representative and congregational form of government.  We are congregational and representative in the sense that the local congregation selects its own delegates to conduct the business of the organization on sectional, district, and national levels.



(a) The officers of the Ohio District shall consist of one District Bishop, one District Presbyter, one District Secretary-Treasurer, one Home Missions Director, one District Director of Youth Ministries, and as many Sectional Presbyters as needed.

(b) The District Board shall consist of the District Bishop, the District Presbyter, the District Secretary-Treasurer, the Home Missions Director, the District Director of Youth Ministries, and the Sectional Presbyters.

(c) The District Board shall act as Trustees of the Corporation. They shall discharge such duties as are required of the trustees of a corporation.  This shall include being custodians of the corporation’s real and personal properties and money.  These properties, real and personal, and money shall pass to their successors or assigns without formal transfer.

(d)  A quorum shall be a majority of the District Board.

(e) The regular meetings of the District Board shall be held quarterly.  A District Board meeting may be called with ten days notice to every member of the Board.  The District Secretary shall make this notice.  In the event an emergency meeting is necessary to conduct business or to insure that district procedure is followed, a meeting may be called by the Bishop, District Presbyter, or District Secretary-Treasurer.  A majority must be present to constitute a quorum.  In the event of the absence of these officers or the unwillingness of these officers to follow district procedure, any member of the District Board may call an emergency meeting after and only after contacting the Regional Assistant General Bishop and stating full intent of said meeting and receiving clearance from the said General official.  The activities of this emergency board meeting shall be sanctioned by a majority vote of the members present.  The acting chairman of said meeting shall be designated by the General official.

(f) No business of a confidential nature shall be divulged by the District Board to any minister, layman or person other than a member of the Board, except as the nature of the issue shall require.

(g) The Executive Committee shall consist of the District Bishop, District Presbyter, and District Secretary-Treasurer.  They shall function under the jurisdiction of the District Board.

(h) The decisions of the District Board shall be final, unless reversed by the District Convention in a special or regular business session.



  1. Qualifications:

The District Bishop shall be an ordained minister, who has the baptism of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4, with not less than seven years in the ministry and over thirty years old, who has held ordination for three years or more in the Pentecostal Church of God and has been a resident of the Ohio District for at least one year.  His/her life and ministry must be above reproach.  Should the office become vacant, the District Presbyter shall assume the duties of this office until the next District Convention.

  1. Duties:

They shall serve as chairman of the meetings of the District. They shall be head of the District Office and shall supervise the work of the office.

They shall be general overseer of all the work in the District and shall perform any other function usual and customary for presiding officers, or the District Board may direct such functions as.  They shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall, with the District Secretary-Treasurer, sign all official and legal documents.

They shall visit churches and ministers as requested.


  1. Qualifications:

There shall be one District Presbyter who shall have the same qualifications as the District Bishop.  Should the office become vacant, the District Board shall be empowered to appoint one to serve until the next District Convention.

  1. Duties:

The duties of the District Presbyter shall be to cooperate with and assist the District Bishop.


  1. Qualifications:

The Secretary-Treasurer shall be an ordained minister for three years and who has the baptism of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4, and who has been a member of the District for one year.  His/her life and ministry must be above reproach.  Should the office become vacant, the District Board shall be empowered to appoint one to serve until the next District Convention.

  1. Duties:

They shall keep a record of all ordained ministers, licentiates, exhorters, etc., and of the churches in the District.

They shall act as Secretary of the meetings of the District and of the District Board.

They shall be authorized along with the District Bishop to sign all official and legal documents and to perform such functions as are customary or may be directed by the District Board.  They shall be considered Secretary of all committees and custodian of the District funds.

They shall keep accurate records of the receipts and disbursements and shall conduct the work of this office according to the accepted methods of business.

They shall give a report to the District Board.  Their books shall be audited before each annual District Convention.

After each General Convention they shall make whatever changes are necessary to bring the District Bylaws in harmony with the General Bylaws and to inform the constituency of these changes at the following District Convention.

  1. There may be exceptions to these qualifications if the District Board deems it necessary.


  1. Qualifications:

The Ohio District shall elect representatives of mature experience and ability, whose lives and ministry are above reproach, who shall represent the District as Sectional Presbyters in all phases of its work and interest in their respective sections.  Each Presbyter shall be an ordained minister, who has held ordination for one year, and who is over twenty-five years of age.

All Sectional Presbyters shall devote their full time to the ministry (if possible), and have the work of the program of the District at heart.

The Sectional Presbyter shall be elected by the Section, which they are to serve.  They shall be elected by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of their section at the District Convention. Should the office become vacant, the Section will elect a replacement to fill the unexpired term.

  1. Duties:

The Sectional Presbyters shall be members of the District Board and shall attend the regular quarterly District Board meetings and any special called meetings.

Each Presbyter shall act officially on all matters arising in his Section, under the direction of the Bishop.

  1. There may be exceptions to these qualifications if the District Board deems it necessary.


The Ohio District Home Missions Director shall be elected by the District Convention in session.  They shall be elected to a two-year term.  The Ohio District Home Missions Director shall have the same qualifications as a Sectional Presbyter.  The Ohio District Home Missions Director shall be seated on the District Board, and may not hold another position on the board.  Their duties to include:  to assist the District Bishop in locating areas, buildings, and ministers for the starting of new works.  To visit churches of the Ohio District promoting Home Missions and raising funds to start new works.


The Director of Youth Ministries shall direct all District youth activities and ministries.  The Director shall work in conjunction with the District Board and be recognized as a District official.


Be it resolved that, inasmuch as possible; the Women’s Ministries Director shall be the wife of the District Bishop, having supervision over the District Women’s Ministries program.  In the event that this is not possible or the office becomes vacant, the District Board shall appoint a qualified lady to this office.

She shall work in conjunction with the District Board and be recognized as a District official, but shall not be member of the District Board.


  1. The Discipleship Ministries Director shall be appointed by the District Board.
  2. In an effort to enhance the Discipleship Ministries of the churches in the Ohio District, and to follow the leadership of our General Headquarters, be it recommended that the District Board shall have both the responsibility and privilege to promote Discipleship Ministries.
  3. The Discipleship Ministries Director shall report, and be responsible to, the District Board.
  4. It is recommended that each local church hold at least one Sunday School Teacher’s training course each year with a qualified instructor.



(a) The Ohio District may elect its own officers and make its own bylaws, but they shall not in any way conflict with the bylaws of the General Organization.

(b) The Ohio District, through its specially appointed officers, shall ordain and license candidates for the ministry with the recommendations that each candidate first prove his or her ministry.  No one shall be ordained except at a District Convention.

(c) All persons desiring Ordination, License, or Exhorter credentials shall make application for it through the Bishop of the District in which the applicant resides.

(d) All candidates for credentials shall be examined by the District Board before being granted credentials.  Upon District approval, the application will be forwarded to the General Credentials Committee for final approval.  Failure to comply with District Bylaws will result in immediate termination of credentials.

(e) No minister of the Pentecostal Church of God, or any other organization, that has had charges filed against them, and has turned in their credentials without answering those charges, shall not be permitted to minister in any Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God church.

(f) The District Office shall prepare, and make available, a minister and church directory, at each District Convention.



The duties of the minister shall be: To preach the Word of God (Tim. 4:2), to feed the flock of God (I Peter 5:2), to administer the ordinances of the church, perform the rite of marriage, bury the dead, and to perform any other duties that might become the responsibility of a minister.



The term of office of the District Bishop, District Presbyter, District Secretary-Treasurer, District Home Missions Director, Sectional Presbyters and District Director of Youth Ministries shall be as follows:

  1. All terms, whether first time elected or successive, shall be for two years.  When a new officer is elected, a suitable time for the transfer of the office shall be given, not to exceed 30 days.



Those eligible to vote in the District Convention and sectional elections, providing they meet all other bylaw requirements, Shall be:

  1. Each minister and his/her companion.
  2. Two delegates per 100, or fraction thereof, excluding extension works, of the Sunday morning attendance averaged for the convention year of September through August from each affiliated and cooperative church.
  3. Each surviving companion of an Ohio District minister, providing the minister was in good standing before deceasing, providing he/she remains single, and providing the surviving companion continues to actively attend and support a local Pentecostal Church of God.

(a) In the election of officers, not more than ten (10) ballots (including nominating ballots) shall be cast upon any group of nominees. In the event that no election has been reached by the tenth ballot, the nominations shall be reopened and new ballots cast.

(b) The first three (3) ballots shall be nominating ballots. After three (3) ballots have been cast, and no election reached, only the two (2) highest names shall be voted upon.

(c) All offices shall require two-thirds majority for election.

(d) The District Bishop shall be elected at one convention and the District Presbyter at the next convention.



Each local church shall elect its own pastor and officers.

(a) It is recommended to local churches that any local pastor who is asked to resign be given thirty days notice.  Should the pastor resign of his own accord, the church should be given thirty days notice. Immediate termination may be implemented by the District in behalf of the church for due cause (immorality or conduct unbecoming a minister of the Gospel). The District Bishop must be notified of all resignations.  This recommendation is subject to other satisfactory arrangements between the church, the pastor, and the District.

(b) When any local church is without a pastor, the District Bishop automatically becomes the pastor by virtue of his office until a new pastor has accepted pastoral duties of said church.

(c) Upon occurrence of a pastoral vacancy:

  1. Notification will be sent to every minister of the Ohio District, advising them of the vacancy.
  2. A period of ten days from the date of the letter will be provided for those interested in the available pastorate to respond.
  3. After the ten-day response period, the District Bishop will present all names to the local church board/pastoral committee/body.
  4. All resumes of candidating pastors shall be turned over to a committee of the local church. This “Pulpit Committee” shall consist of the local church board and two members of the laity.  The committee shall then have 10 days to consider the candidates, make calls to any person whose name appears on the resume, and then select the candidates of their choice.
  5. An election shall be held after not more than three ministers have candidated. However, the local church has the prerogative to stop the candidating after the first or second candidate and vote.
  6. The preceding procedure shall not preclude the appointment of a pastor by the District Board, under the direction of the District Bishop, when deemed advisable.
  7. Any pastoral candidate must be current in his/her tithe/dues reporting to the District Office. By current it is meant they shall be no more than 30 days in arrears.  When any minister applies to candidate for a district church a copy of the “Uniform Letter of Recommendation” shall be supplied by the District Headquarters.  This shall be done before any contact is made between the individual and the church.

(d) Each church shall have its own constitution and bylaws, but these shall in no way conflict with the constitution and bylaws of the District or General Organization.

(e) Any layman, appointed by a local church which is affiliated with this corporation and who is sent as a delegate to the General or District Convention, shall be recognized as representing for the time being, the said local church and be entitled to vote in said Convention.  He shall carry a letter of appointment from the local church to the Convention.

(f) Whereas, when an extreme emergency may arise, such as when the pastor or an official, or a member, or members, or any other person shall be found conspiring, plotting or planning against the welfare of the Pentecostal Church of God in any of its congregations for the purpose of gaining control of the real or personal property of any congregation, or from the Pentecostal Church of God, or some other dangerous situation, this District does hereby authorize any General, District or local officer or representative of the Pentecostal Church of God, to take possession of said property or properties and hold same in the name of the Pentecostal Church of God until such time as said emergency has passed.

(g) If a pastor and/or officers and/or church does not comply with the tenets set forth by the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District, in its bylaws, the District Bishop of the Ohio District, may through the pastor call a meeting of the church to protect the rights of either the majority or minority that does adhere to the tenets.  All legal claims and/or rights to the church property shall remain in its entirety to the body, majority or minority that wishes to continue to adhere to the faith and fellowship of the Pentecostal Church of God.  Such a meeting may be called at any time after one announcement at a Sunday service.

(h) Any church failing to support the National Missions and Foreign Missions program at least 50% of the time shall have no right to send delegates to the District Convention.

(i) Each church shall keep a true record of its members.  All members shall be people with an experience of Salvation, and believe in Water Baptism in accordance with Matthew 28:19, and who believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4.  Voting privileges shall be confined to persons over 15 years of age, and those who are working in harmony with the pastor and church.    Enrolled members who without good cause absent themselves from the services of the Church for a period of six consecutive weeks or more before the announcement of a business meeting, or who fail to pay their tithes/dues to the place designated by the Church, or who may be out of harmony with its teachings, shall be considered as not eligible to voting privileges.  This shall apply to all local churches that do not have a church bylaw covering this matter.

(j) All churches that come under our I.R.S. listing shall be pastored by ministers credentialed with the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.

(k) All churches set in order in the fellowship of the Pentecostal Church of God are recommended to use the Sunday School literature published by the Pentecostal Church of God.

(l) The Pentecostal Church of God declares its total opposition to the sin of gambling in any form, including social gambling such as: lotteries, bingo, raffles, etc.

(m) The ministers who are being considered for the pastorate of one of our churches shall be advised of any outstanding obligations to the General Office, and shall be instructed regarding the responsibility to see that such obligations are paid by the respective department of the church for which the obligation was contracted.

(n) No applicant for ministerial credentials shall be allowed to try out for any of our Pentecostal Church of God churches or be an interim pastor until cleared by the General Credentials Committee, even though the District Board has approved them.

(o) Inasmuch as the calendar of District activities, i.e., District Convention, Ministers’ Advance, and Family Camp is arranged, scheduled, printed, and sent to all ministers in the Ohio District yearly well in advance of the activities scheduled, Be it resolved that no church or minister who is affiliated in any way with the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District be permitted to schedule or be involved in extracurricular activities, i.e., revival meetings, seminars, singings, etc. during the time of District Convention, Ministers’ Advance, and Family Camp.  Exception shall be granted those who are in full-time evangelism (meaning those who derive their full support from evangelism).

(p) When a new church starts, it is to be reported immediately to the General Office for tax status purposes.  When the congregation attains a qualified membership of 10 members, the church is to be set in order and reported to the General Office to be added to the general assessment roll.



Holding Title to Church Property

  1. Title to all local church properties (both real and personal) either purchased by or given to the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God is to be held in fee simple in the name of the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God. The Ohio District shall carry a dissolution clause directing upon the dissolution of the Ohio District, that all net assets shall accrue to the Pentecostal Church of God (Incorporated), a Missouri corporation whose headquarters is located in Bedford, Texas.

(a) Property owned, paid for or partly paid for by, or given to, the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God may be deeded to the local church (or its trustees), provided the following reversionary clause is part of the deed:

“In the event of either an attempted conveyance of any interest in this real estate, or disaffiliation with the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God, or the dissolution of the local church, or the use of this real estate for any purpose other than a church, this real estate will automatically revert to the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God with no further act or deed required.”

(b) The Ohio District shall provide its written consent, waiver or subordination agreement to a local church which has been granted title to its real estate with the above reversionary clause to sell, exchange, transfer and convey said property, or to borrow money and pledge the said real estate for the repayment of the same and to exercise all necessary deeds, conveyance, etc.; after satisfaction of the following:

(1) The proposed transfer shall be brought before a regular or special meeting of the local church;

(2) Said meeting and the notice thereof shall be in compliance with all bylaws of the local church;

(3) A simple majority of the local members must be present at the meeting;

(4) The meeting must be chaired by the district bishop of the Pentecostal Church of God or by one he may appoint or one provided for by the district bylaws;

(5) The proposed transfer shall be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of all church members present at the meeting;

(6) The proposed transfer is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members of the district board after compliance with the respective district’s bylaws relative to the transfer of real estate.

  1. Any minister who does not comply with the bylaw provision for transfer of property shall be required to meet the respective district board for accountability. If there is no quorum of five members of said district board, the General Council shall replace the district board. The credentials of any minister in noncompliance with bylaw procedures for legal transfer of property shall be in jeopardy.
  2. The conveyance of any district interest in real estate or the execution of a consent to transfer an interest in real estate owned by a local church shall be made and executed by the district bishop and the district secretary only after a regular or special district board meeting at which the issue of real estate is on the notice of meeting and agenda and approved at said meeting, at which a simple majority of members must be present, by two-thirds (2/3) of the district board members in attendance.



“The Pentecostal Messenger” is the official publication of the Pentecostal Church of God and should have the hearty cooperation of every minister.



(a) Any minister failing to tithe and/or report to the District Office for an accumulated period of three months in the convention year, shall be advised to appear before the District Board.  Any minister failing to comply will be dropped from fellowship.

(b) All credential holders with the Ohio District are encouraged to attend all District and Sectional seminars.

(c) Any minister who is pastoring a church and wishes to pastor a second church must receive District Board Approval.

  2. Our churches are privileged to use the ministers of other churches of like faith as evangelists only.  Any pastor or evangelist is privileged to labor in other churches where he deems it wise to do so for the up building of the cause of his or her district, providing he or she does not lend his or her efforts to a neighboring antagonistic assembly or church, thereby injuring the Pentecostal Church of God congregation in the community.
  3. Our ministers shall cultivate mutual fellowship and work in harmony.  They shall not lend themselves to any disgruntled element in any local church for the purpose of deposing the present pastor or causing dissension or strife.  Those doing such are subject to discipline.
  4. Ministers and workers are advised not to interfere with others who may have charge of a church or mission, whether it be contacting the members without the consent of the one in charge, or by corresponding with the members of the church, so as to affect the influence of the leaders.  All inquiries or correspondence that concerns the church, such as visiting the field, conducting meetings, etc., should be addressed to the pastor; or where there is no pastor, the correspondence should be addressed to the church secretary and/or trustees.
  5. Any minister going from one district to another shall, upon arrival, notify the officials of the district into which he/she enters.
  6. When a minister moves from one district to another, he/she shall be required to present to the district entered a clearance of good standing and conduct from his/her former district office.  Any minister who has withdrawn or been dropped from fellowship shall be required to give a letter stating his/her standing while in the movement.
  7. When a minister is transferred from one district to another, a copy of the said transfer should be mailed or given to the minister being transferred.
  8. No district may refuse to transfer a minister who is in good standing without just cause. Good standing shall mean that the one being transferred has not violated any general or district bylaws, has no pending charges and has paid all fees and met their obligations. Just cause is to be determined by the District Executive Committee.  In the holding up of a transfer, proper notice is to be given to the minister who is seeking to be transferred.
  9. Whereas, the Bible teaches that we should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and whereas a Christian’s effectiveness in witnessing would be drastically impaired, if not entirely destroyed, by maintaining membership in a lodge, secret order or secret society, no minister, on any level of the Pentecostal Church of God, shall be permitted to carry credentials with this organization and belong at the same time to a lodge, secret order or society.
  10. The Pentecostal Church of God is opposed to homosexuality and all forms of sex perversion, sorcery and witchcraft, and appropriate questions concerning these areas shall be included on the applications for ministerial credentials.

The Minister’s Study Series shall consist of the Exhorter’s Study Series, License Study Series, and Ordination Study Series and shall be the official study course for ministers of the Pentecostal Church of God.  It shall be a mandatory program for credentials for all new ministers and those advancing from exhorters to license and from license to ordination.  The Minister’s Study Series shall remain in conformity to the standard set by the General Board.

  1. Exhorter

The exhorter credential shall be considered a first step toward ordination. Upon acceptance as an exhorter, by meeting certain minimum qualifications on the present application, he/she shall hold this first step credential for a minimum of one (1) year.

The minister and spouse, if saved, may be seated as delegates to the General Convention if current with their credentials and properly registered. The decision as to whether exhorters should be seated in district conventions shall be left to the discretion of each district.

During this one-year period he/she should be encouraged to complete the License Series and complete the reading of the whole Bible.

      2. License

The License Credential is considered a second step toward the goal of becoming an ordained minister.

Upon acceptance as a licensed minister, by having completed the License Study Series, having read the whole Bible and given evidence of definite plans to be active in the ministry — the licensed minister shall carry license for a minimum of two (2) years, during which time he/she must have become active in the ministry, and have completed the Ordination Study Series at the time of applying for ordination.

The minister and spouse, if saved, have the privilege of being seated as delegates in the district and General Conventions, if his/her credentials are current and he/she is properly registered.  He/she may meet his/her respective district board at the end of two (2) years for advancement to ordination.

      3. Ordination

Being now ready for the final step toward the goal to be an ordained minister, the minister shall meet his/her district board with an application.  It will be necessary to have a certificate of completion of the Ordination Study Series and be in the active ministry at the time of applying for ordination and to give clear evidence of his/her intention to remain in the active ministry to qualify.

The ordained minister shall enjoy the privileges of spiritual ministry as the Lord leads and be a delegate along with the spouse, if saved, if his/her credentials are current and he/she is properly registered.

No person shall pass through the ordination ceremony without an approval of application for ordination by the General Office.

  2. Each district shall, through its proper officials, ordain and license suitable candidates for the ministry, subject to the conditions set forth in the General Bylaws and the respective district.
  3. It is recommended that each candidate first prove his/her ministry, and that a period of license precede the ordination.
  4. A minister applying for credentials is required to make application through the district in which he/she is a resident, unless approval is granted from the resident district for application to be made through another district.
  5. Each candidate for ministerial ordination with the Pentecostal Church of God is required to give to his respective district board clear and satisfactory evidence of adequate understanding of, agreement with and ability to teach with ample scriptural references, all items included in the doctrinal statement of the Pentecostal Church of God, as printed in our General Bylaws.
  6. The personal qualifications for exhorters and licensed ministers shall be identical with those for ordination, which shall be enforced by each district board.
  7. Applicants for credentials or promotions may be denied, even though all the required criteria is met, if it is deemed that the acceptance of the applicant for other reasons would be detrimental to the well-being of the church as a whole. Each respective district board also has the privilege of dropping a minister’s credential at its discretion.
  8. In recognition of the fact that ordination is the highest goal to which a minister may attain and, therefore, is reserved for those who have spent sufficient time in the active ministry so as to prove his/her qualifications for this high office, no person shall be ordained to the ministry who is not actively serving in a weekly ministry at the time application is made for ordination and/or who does not give clear evidence of his or her intention to remain in the active ministry.
  9. Any licensed minister desiring ordination in any district other than the one from which he/she has been licensed, shall present a recommendation from the bishop and secretary/treasurer of the district issuing the license.
  10. No minister of the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District will be allowed to hold credentials with another denomination, which has a Bishop, churches, presbyters, etc.
  11. No credential shall be approved for any candidate, nor any minister renewed, who attended either of our Bible colleges, and still owes accounts to the colleges, until the bill is paid in full or a letter presented from the respective college indicating that proper arrangements have been made for payment; and each District Office shall be notified by the respective college not later than December first of each calendar year of the delinquency in payments by the respective student.
  12. When an applicant for credentials comes from another organization, a letter of reference will be requested from the former organization.
  13. A dated notification from a minister is required to establish his/her date of withdrawal.  When this dated notification is not available, such withdrawal/drop date as furnished by the District shall be used by the General Office.
  14. The District Bishop, or Sectional Presbyter may act as pastor for a minister applying for credentials but not transferring from another organization.
  15. Before any promotion proceedings are begun, the pastor of that applicant must be consulted by the District Office.
  16. Where geographically possible, all ministers of the Pentecostal Church of God should attend a local Pentecostal Church of God.
  17. All persons receiving credentials from this District shall first sign a statement that they will at no time speak discreditable or injuriously against the District or the Organization.
  18. Any minister failing to fulfill the statements signed by them upon application for ministerial credentials shall have their credentials revoked.
  19. Any application for credentials must be signed by the applicant, local pastor and respective Sectional Presbyter. In the event that the applicant is pastoring a church, said application must be signed by the applicant, Sectional Presbyter, and one other minister in good standing with the District.
  20. No Exhorter minister will be promoted to a licensed status until they have held Exhorter credentials for at least one full year, and they have been in full-time evangelism or pastoring a church.
  21. Exhorter ministers that have been elected or officially appointed as assistant pastors may be promoted to a licensed status by the District Board following the proper procedure.
  22. Credential applications will be entertained at the regular quarterly District Board sessions.  However, if the Executive Committee deems the application needs to be processed sooner, it can be done so by polling the District Board.
  23. Companions of all married applicants for credentials with the Ohio District are required to meet the District Board along with the applicant. Exceptions will be made when absence is due to sickness, secular job requirements, or emergencies.
  24. Before an Exhorter can be promoted or a Licensed minister can be ordained; he or she must have cooperated with the District program in attending fellowship meetings, rallies, seminars, conventions, and in paying tithe/dues to the District.
  25. All assistant pastors shall hold credentials with the Pentecostal Church of God.
  2. When a minister moves from one district to another, he shall be required to present to the district entered a clearance of good standing and conduct from his former District Office.
  3. Any minister who has withdrawn or been dropped from fellowship shall be required to give a letter stating their standing while in the movement.
  2. We faithfully pledge our loyalty to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  3. We affirm complete confidence in the infallible Word of God.
  4. We affirm our commitment to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15, 16) and we declare our willingness to go anywhere, do anything and sacrifice everything God requires of us in the fulfillment of that commission.
  5. We accept God’s call to preach and teach the Word to all people as God gives opportunity, and we do this because of God’s love for every human being who, apart from faith in Christ, is judgment bound and destined for hell.
  6. We endorse the Gospel message of salvation by grace alone through faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning death on the cross for our sins.
  7. The proclamation of the Gospel must include a thoughtful call of every person to repent, to commit to Jesus Christ and to follow Him as Lord and Savior, and to do all these lovingly and without coercion or manipulation.
  8. We will stay prayerfully filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit for a deeply spiritual Christ-centered ministry.
  9. We will lead lives of holiness and moral purity, appropriately representing Christian ministry to the Church and the world.
  10. We will practice a life of regular Bible study and pray for personal spiritual growth and anointed ministry.
  11. We will be faithful stewards of all personal and church finances and we will be accountable to all concerned in the finance of our ministry and will be honest in reporting our statistics. We will keep personal and church financial activities separate and inviolate. Following these standards, we will faithfully promote our ministry in the community, “providing things honest in the sight of all men.”
  12. Our family is a sacred trust and our responsibility to each family member is to be kept as faithfully as our call to minister to others.
  13. We are responsible to the local church and we will conduct our ministry to build up the local body of believers in the larger interest of the Church universal. We will be subject to those whom God has placed in authority over us.
  14. We are responsible to the local church, and we will conduct our ministry to build up the local body of believers in the larger interest of the Church universal.  We are responsible to faithully discipline all who come to faith under our ministry, to encourage every person to identify with the local church, to work faithfully at evangelism, Christian education and Christian discipleship, and endeavor to train every believer in personal witnessing.
  15. We will share the cross of Christ by relieving both the social and spiritual sufferings of humanity, whether rich or poor, healthy or infirmed; we will do our utmost to alleviate human need, following Christ as our example.
  16. We will give ourselves to prayer, evangelism, to revival, to Bible-based counseling, to Christian education, to peace making and to our particular office, ministry and calling until Christ returns for His own. We do solemnly affirm these Biblical principles for Christian ministry.
  17. We will be subject to those who God has placed in authority over us.
  18. We believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian ministry and practicing homosexuals may not be credentialed within the Pentecostal Church of God.
  19. We only recognize the Biblical definition of the marriage union as follows: A marital union is only a monogamous marriage between a natural born man and a natural born woman.  Based on the principle of covenant initiated by God, marriage is the relationship through which sexuality can fulfill its potential to bless human lives.  The covenant of marriage stresses fidelity to one’s spouse.  It promotes love, respect, trust, companionship, intimacy, spirituality and peace (Ephesians 5:21-33).


Discipline and Restoration

  1. All ministers are accountable to their respective district board in every matter of conduct and doctrine. No charges against any credentialed minister shall be considered unless the entire procedure outlined within the General Bylaws is adhered to.
  2. In all actions other than those initiated by a district board, the following procedure shall be strictly adhered to:
  3. All charges against any minister shall be made in writing and signed and submitted to the district bishop.
  4. The district bishop shall provide a copy of the charges to the accused minister.
  5. The district bishop shall determine if the accused minister is placed on suspension pending outcome of the charges. Suspension shall be defined as: termination of all ministry activities within the Pentecostal Church of God, remaining current on all ministerial financial and reporting obligations both general and district, and remaining under the jurisdiction of the presiding district until all charges have been considered. The district shall notify the Office of the General Secretary of any minister placed on suspension.
  6. The district bishop shall designate an initial meeting between the parties. The district bishop shall provide ten (10) days written notice to all parties.
  7. At any time in this process of hearing charges, the district bishop or the accused minister may request assistance from the Ministry Relations Department for mediation of the matter.
  8. If mediation and reconciliation can be attained, all charges will be dropped but the records of the proceedings shall be retained in the district’s files.
  9. If mediation/restoration cannot be obtained, the district bishop shall appoint a team of three qualified individuals to investigate the allegations.
  10. The investigation team shall appoint a chairperson who shall report their findings and recommendations to the district board.
  11. The investigation team shall hear no testimony except that which bears directly on the charges made in writing. This rule shall be enforced by the chairman.
  12. If the accused confesses and truly repents and shows evidence of a contrite heart, a probationary period with a full restoration process shall be determined by the district board.
  13. The members of the investigation team shall maintain complete confidentiality of the matter.
  14. If the charges are proven untrue, then the accusers shall be required to meet the district board for full accountability of their actions.

(1) The district board shall hear from the accuser, the defendant and the chairman of the investigation team.

(2) The district board shall evaluate the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.

(3) If at any time the accused makes open confession for the purpose of reconciliation, the district board shall determine an appropriate restoration process.

(4) Programs of restoration shall be established and recommendations made by the Ministry Relations Department and enforced by the district board.

  1. The period of restoration shall be determined by the district board.
  2. Any minister placed in a restoration process shall be considered on suspension as defined in paragraph two, c above.
  3. Any minister placed within a restoration program must maintain membership within the disciplining district, unless released by the district board.
  4. If charges are against any district executive officer, the procedure shall be the same and the Assistant General Bishop shall act as the chairman.
  5. If charges are sustained and considered of sufficient merit, the culpable minister could be dropped from the ranks of credentialed minister.
  6. If at any time the charges against the credentialed minister are recanted or proven spurious, the accused shall be required to submit to this same process of discipline.
  7. When the steps of restoration have been successfully completed to the satisfaction of the district board, the minister shall be considered in good standing and active status restored.
  8. When any credentialed minister who has completed a restoration process is transferred, the complete file shall accompany the transfer.
  9. The right of mediation/restoration shall be extended to members of local churches. Any member of a local church shall be given the right to appeal following this process:

(1) The member must appeal to the local church defined leadership (board, etc.)

(2) If reconciliation cannot be reached through the local church, the member may appeal to the district board.

(3) The decision of the district board shall be final.

(4) All chartered churches shall carry this provision in their local church bylaws.

  1. The appeal process shall be:
  2. There shall be no appeal heard that has not been submitted to the Department of Ministry Relations for possible mediation.
  3. Any appeal of a decision made by a district board shall be made within 30 days to the Office of the General Bishop. The General Bishop shall notify the National Board of Appeals.  This board shall be nominated by the General Council, elected by the General Board and consist of 5 individuals, with 2 alternates. These members shall be trained and competent to serve in such a capacity.  A district board shall have the privilege of submitting individuals to the General Council for consideration.
  4. The National Board of Appeals shall hear appeals from credentialed ministers. Their decision shall be final in all matters.
  5. Once an appeal has been filed, it can only be withdrawn by a majority vote of the National Board of Appeals.
  6. Any member of the National Board of Appeals shall have the privilege to recuse themselves in order to ensure a fair and equitable outcome of the appeal
  7. Any member of the National Board of Appeals who was on the investigation team, a member of the disciplining district board, or has a personal/family relationship with any party in the matter under consideration shall recuse themselves.
  8. The Chairperson of the National Board of Appeals shall choose an alternate when necessary.
  9. Any person who has submitted an appeal shall relinquish all voting privileges until the final decision has been determined.
  10. No person or group of persons shall be allowed to appeal any matter to the General Executive (Appeals) Committee for the purpose of challenging a self-governing districts decision, other than currently Ordained or Licensed ministers of the Pentecostal Church of God, until all proper procedures in the district and section have been followed.
  11. All credentialed ministers who depart a place of ministry without making satisfactory stewardship arrangements for indebtedness shall be brought before their district board.
  12. Allegations of Reporting and Addressing Sexual Abuse of Minors.
  13. Recognition of Areas of Authority. As with most complex and emotional issues, there are three areas which must be considered.
  14. The first is that of the spiritual well-being of the individuals involved.
  15. The second is that of the ecclesiastical aspect for proper church administration.
  16. The third is that of the interest and regulations of the state authorities.



We find in view of such misunderstanding in our nation and in the Church world concerning marriage, homosexuality and gender; that we the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God must set forth our Biblical belief and position concerning these matters; this has been our beliefs and practice from the foundation of our Fellowship. We must not be alarmed that unbelievers do not honor God and will not allow the Bible to be their guide in life and conduct (I Cor. 1:18).

  1. Our definition of marriage
  2. A Divine institution, set in order by God, the uniting of one man and one woman; having the Divine charge to reproduce and have dominion over the earth (Gen. 1:27-28).
  3. Gen. 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 22, And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23, And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called  Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
  4. Jesus Christ bears witness of the same in Mat. 19:4-6,” … Have ye not read, that he which made them at th beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a     man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife:  and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh.”
  5. Therefore the Divine charge to male and the female was to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth”. If this was to be done there must be the uniting of the man and woman in a relationship that the Bible refers to as “one flesh” according to Scriptures. This matter of being “one flesh” is referred to seven times in Bible. Gen. 2:24; Mat. 19:5 & 6; Mk. 10:8 (2); I Cor. 6:16; and Eph. 5:31.
  6. This union God brought about in uniting a man and a woman together in a Christian marriage is a revelation of the union between Christ and His Church; therefore a Christian wedding is worship unto God who created this Divine institution. Eph. 5:29-33
  7. God’s Law affirms the role of a man and a woman in the family relationship by commanding the children: “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long …” Ex. 20:12
  8. The New Testament reaffirms this marriage relationship between a man and a woman, and of the family in a definite way, as being father, mother and children. Eph. 5:21-6:4 & Col. 3:18-21
  9. Therefore, we the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God, without reservation define and declare that Christian marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and a woman, and we reject and condemn all attempts to redefine marriage in any other terms.
  1. Our position concerning homosexuality
  2. Webster’s New World Dictionary, copyright, 1968; defines it as: “(1) sexual desire for those of same sex.

(2) sexual relations between individuals of the same sex. Opposed to heterosexuality.”

  1. It is important that we as the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God declare our Biblical position on this matter. Normally we would treat this sin just as we would adultery and fornication.  But the importance is based on the fact that its legalization gives it more influence on the public, the Church world and especially on our children. Because of this we declare that homosexuality is clearly unbiblical and sinful, regardless of what laws are passed.
  2. The sin of homosexuality is seen in both in the Old and New Testaments. We find in the Old Testament where God’s judgment is pronounced. Lev. 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

Lev. 18:22; Judges 19:1-30

  1. The more common one is Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen. 19:4-25. This judgment of God that came upon them was of such severity that this particular sin was labeled as sodomite several places in the Bible.

In Old Testament: Deut. 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. “The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible”, copyright 1962 gives meaning of sodomite as, “a male    person who engages in sexual relations with another male.” I Ki. 14:24; 15:12; 22:46 and II Ki. 23:7

Apostle Peter used it as an illustration I Pet. 2:6, Jude also used it in vs. 7.

  1. The Apostle Paul seeking to help the Church at Rome to deal with those who had rejected God, tells them in Rom. 1:24 “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: 25, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served    the creature more than the Creator…. 26, For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their  women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27, And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28, And even as they       did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind…”

The sin of homosexuality is clearly seen of both men and women, and the judgment that is passed upon such.

  1. The Apostle Paul speaks to the Church at Corinth. The city was a sinful city, like others; but it was noted for their sexual immorality. The Apostle realized how important it was for the new Christians to understand God’s moral order. And those that committed such sins would not make it to heaven.

I Cor. 6:9 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived:  neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 6:10 … shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

Notice the Apostle doesn’t want them to be deceived, regardless how accepted it was by the world.

Joseph Thayer, Greek Lexicon, 19th copyright 1978 states that “effeminate” is, “of a catamite, a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness”. Catamite, is a boy used in a form of sodomy. Thayer states meaning of “nor abusers of themselves with mankind” is, “one who lies with a male as with a female, a sodomite”.

It is also used in I Tim. 1:10. A.T. Robertson, Greek scholar 1931 says, “late compound for sodomites.”

  1. Such Scriptures Rom. 1:24-28 and I Cor. 6:9-10 not only condemn the more scandalous examples of homosexual behavior, but they also condemn the more modern day life styles. That which is proclaimed as a loving and committed relationship.
  2. Homosexual behavior is a sin because it is contrary to God’s created order for human relationships and the family unit. “Gen. 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave   unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” The message could not be any more clearer of what God’s order is for a man and a woman.
  3. Jesus reaffirms this established order that was from the beginning as was stated under (marriage above)

Mat. 19:4-6 and Mk. 10:6-9

  1. As was stated homosexuality is sin; but, it is not an unpardonable sin. It is just as other sins, whether fornication, adultery or all other transgressions of God’s Law.  Our only hope is repentance and forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus Christ. Which produces a regenerated heart and transformed and changed life and conduct. I Cor. 6:11 was speaking to those who had been partakers of such sins stated in vs. 9 and 10.

Notice how the Apostle states it, “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified…”

  1. Therefore, we the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God stand opposed to any and all forms of homosexual lifestyles and behavior. We believe it is directly opposed to God’s Word, and it is sinful.

III.  Our position concerning gender

  1. We believe that biological sex at birth is God’s gift and part of God’s glory in creation.

The consequences that have come upon the human race after the fall of man into sin was and is devastating.  The disorder, malfunction, evil, brokenness and pain has corrupted God’s “good” creation.

Gen. 3:1-24; Eph. 2:2; Rom. 8:20-21

  1. We believe that gender identity must be determined by biological sex according to God’s good design and not by one’s self-perception. Such perception comes from a heart that has not been created anew by Jesus Christ.

Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Gen. 6:5; Prov. 14:12 (16:25); Eph. 4:17-18

  1. We believe that male and female roles are ordained by God, and this being part of His created order.

Gen. 2:18, 21-24; I Cor. 11:7-9; Eph. 5:22-33

  1. Therefore, we believe for a person to seek to live contrary to their birth sex, whether by behavior, medical or surgical therapy are rebelling against the gift of God. And God’s design He has for the person.
  2. We also condemn the efforts of a person to change ones bodily identity, whether it be cross- sex hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery, or any other method whereby one seeks to attain this change.  That is to    bring themselves in line with their perceived gender identity rather than their biological birth gender identity.
  3. Therefore, we the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God believe that a person must respect and remain true to their biological birth gender.  And that it is sinful to seek to alter or change this created order of their being.
  2. All churches and their properties that are chartered with the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God must not be used by any individual, group, or organization that advocate, endorse or promote homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle.

This policy also applies to birthday parties, reunions, anniversaries, weddings or baby showers, etc.

Furthermore, under no circumstances is the pastor, one of our ministers or church members to officiate,

participate or endorse any wedding ceremony or render any other services that are prohibited in the policy above.

  1. All Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God churches shall adhere to this course of action on marriage, homosexuality and gender, and make this one of the qualifications for ministry leaders, ministry participants, and be one of the qualifications for their Church membership. And that these individuals must read the Constitution and Bylaws of the church, and sign an appropriate form stating they will adhere to its beliefs and doctrines.
  1. We reaffirm that all of our churches which are chartered with the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God are subject to our Statement of Faith and Constitution and by-laws.
  1. The pastor of the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God churches shall be the interpreter of Scriptural matters concerning our doctrines and faith, and to be the final decision-maker on allowing the use of the Church’s facilities.


Whereas, Marriage is deemed the highest order of relationship among men, exemplifying on earth the relationship of Jesus to His bride, the Church; and Whereas, Unbelieving and rebellious spouses can choose to sue for divorce and in our liberal and wicked culture, can win a divorce against the desire of the godly spouse; now, therefore, no divorced and remarried Christian shall be granted credentials with the Pentecostal Church of God except in the following cases:

  1. The divorce and remarriage occurred prior to the first confirmed experience of salvation (Heb. 9:22; 2 Cor. 5:17).
  2. The divorce was for the cause of fornication on the part of the applicant’s former spouse (Matthew 5:32; 19:9), where the applicant was faithful to his/her marriage vows.
  3. The divorce occurred when an unbeliever departs from a believer (I Cor. 7:15). It must be determined that every effort was made personally and legally to save the marriage, and said divorce occurred against the will of the applicant.
  4. The above provisions and requirements apply to both the applicant and the applicant’s present spouse.
  5. The following documents shall/may validate the minister’s application: marriage questionnaire, substantiation letters and other definitive, credible, supporting documents.



  1. No claims shall be placed on any funds of the general organization or of the district organizations by a General or District Official, who has been succeeded by a duly elected or appointed successor, but shall forthwith turn over and surrender all such funds then in his or her possession.
  2. Each minister, ordained and licensed, and each person licensed to exhort, shall participate financially for the maintenance of the General and District Offices according to the following:

(a)  All ordained, licensed and Exhorter ministers shall contribute the sum of $30.00 each month.  When both husband and wife are credentialed the second minister shall pay $15.00 each month, two dollars of which shall go to support Messenger College, six dollars for the support of the National Youth Ministries, and one dollar to the National Home Missions with five dollars being placed in the Benevolent Death Benefit Fund to be applied to the death benefits only.  For only current gratis ministers (as of 12/31/2007) will be covered with a $4,000.00 death benefit (payable to the beneficiary upon death).  Where both the husband and wife are credentialed, only one minister would be entitled to the The Pentecostal Messenger  subscription.

  1. Included in the monthly contributions shall be the following:

(a)  The usual application or renewal fees for credentials.

(b)  The subscription to The Pentecostal Messenger.

*Additional provisions may apply.

  1. The following special provisions are hereby set forth:

(a)  When a minister reaches the age of seventy (70) and has carried ordination with the Pentecostal Church of God for twenty (20) years, or more, his credential fees, and The Pentecostal Messenger subscription be granted, courtesy of the General Office, for life, as long as said minister remains in good standing with his district.

(b)  There may be conditions in the extreme, where a minister would be subjected to difficult, if not unbearable, results if forced to take the insurance coverage–such as the loss of employment of long standing–in which case, said minister should make contact with the General Office. If the situation merits consideration, special arrangements may be made.

  1. If said fees are not paid for a period of thirty (30) days, the minister will receive a letter of delinquency with a copy to the district office.  If the minister is still delinquent after sixty (60) days, the credentials will be dropped by the General Office and the district office will be notified.
  2. The salaries, mileage for travel, means of support, and all benefits of all District Officers shall be set by the District Board and reviewed annually.
  3. Ministerial tithes/dues shall be paid in the following manner:

(a) All ordained and licensed ministers and those in the full time ministry shall pay 100 per cent tithes/dues (ministerial and secular) to the District Office.  No exception will be allowed unless a request is made in writing to the District Board and subject to their approval.

(b) All exhorters who are not pastoring or engaged as a full time evangelist shall pay one-half of all tithes/dues to the District Office and one-half to the local church.

  1. All ministers of the Ohio District shall be current in their support (tithes/dues and pledges) of the district before being seated in the convention as a voter. By current, it is meant that your support has been fully paid through August 31 of that convention year.
  2. The Ohio District will pay ministerial fees of disabled ministers, financially unable to pay said fees, who were active for a period of three years before disability.
  3. Eight percent (8%) of all undesignated funds received into the District Office shall be distributed in the following manner:  District Home Missions (2%), District Women’s Ministries Department (2%), District Youth Ministries Department (2%) and District Family Camp (2%).
  4. Beginning on October 1, 2018, five percent (5%) of each individual minister’s tithe will be set aside for a retirement plan each month.  This amount will continue to accrue as long as the minister is in good standing with the PCG Ohio District and may be withdrawn, if the minister so chooses, at 70 years of age.  If the minister withdraws or is dropped from holding credentials with the PCG Ohio District, they will lose the benefit and the money set aside.



Home Missions

  1. Name:  Ohio District Home Missions
  2. Purpose

As a District program, and ministry of the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District, the primary purpose of the Home Missions Department is to create a framework of operation from which our entire district can participate, strengthening and promoting growth in our home base for world evangelists.

  1. The Ohio District Home Missions Director is the chairman of the Home Missions Committee.
  2. He will devote his energy to assisting the growth of Home Missions churches, paragraph recruiting Home Missions pastors, targeting new areas for churches and overseeing the work of the Home Missions Committee and each of its ministries.
  3. He shall maintain such communication with the district that will enhance the growth and stability of pioneer churches, and the Home Missions program.
  4. He shall also maintain personal contact with new Home Missions churches and their pastors.
  5. The Home Missions Director shall maintain a direct communication with the District Bishop in all matters.
  1. Ohio District Home Missions Committee
  2. The Ohio District Home Missions Committee shall consist of:  District Executive Committee and the Home Missions Director.
  3. The Ohio District Home Missions Committee shall have appropriate communications according to the business at hand, prior to District Board Meeting.
  4. These men shall entertain all applications of prospective Home Missions pastors and target sites for new Home Missions churches.
  5. They shall also take action on all matters concerning the ministries and finances of the Home Missions Department.
  6. All business conducted by the Home Missions Committee shall be ratified by the District Board before being enacted.
  7. Finances
  8. Recognizing that Home Missions is a program vital to the growth of our District, and that funding is needed in order for the program to be successful, each church is encouraged to send an offering of $10.00 each month to the District Office for the New Works fund.
  9. The District Home Missions Department shall receive 2% of all the un-designated funds that come into the District office, according to Article 11, #14.
  10. The Home Missions Department shall be responsible for their own operational expenses for office operations, and travel for the Director when he is required in an official capacity.  This to include, but not to be restricted to, November Board and General Convention  Board sessions when the Director is representing Home Missions.
  11. Be it recommended that a love offering be received for the Ohio District Home Missions Director each time he speaks to help cover the cost of his travel.  Mileage not covered by love offerings will be paid out of District Home Missions at the discretion of the district board.
  1. Ohio District Home Missions Churches

By necessity our District must maintain a program that is dedicated to developing congregations that reflect the same visions and doctrine that we cherish as a family of churches. The most effective means available to accomplish this is to recruit pastors from within existing district churches to “Pioneer” churches.  Paul said in I Thess. 5:12, “And we beseech you, brethren, to know them that labour among you…”

By placing pastors in pioneer churches that have been trained in existing PCG churches we give ourselves the benefit of knowing the man, and his ministry.  Also, a network of fellowship will already exist because of the pastor’s acquaintance with other ministers in the district.

There will of course be opportunities to reach out to existing churches and congregations that reflect the basic doctrinal beliefs of our district, and every effort should be made to extend them fellowship.

  1. Pastors
  2. The Home Missions Committee shall accept applications from those ministers credentialed with our district who desire to establish a Pentecostal Church of God in our district. Every attempt shall be made to determine the personal qualifications of the applicant. The Home Missions Committee shall pass upon the applicant based upon this information.  The applicant’s application, if approved by the Home Missions Committee shall then be ratified by the District Board.
  3. No district funds shall be granted until the application process has been completed.
  4. In any matter concerning the conduct of the Home Missions pastor the Home Missions Committee member and the Presbyter from his section shall jointly bring the matter to the attention of the Home Missions Committee.
  5. The Home Missions Committee retains the right to request further recommendations, as well as, request additional training as needed.
  6. Church Board
  7. In the early stages of the development of a Home Missions church there will be a great need for guidance and leadership, especially where the pastor may be new to his calling. For this reason all new Home Missions churches will operate under the guidance of the District Executive Committee and District Home Missions Director, who shall act as the church board.
  8. For matters concerning the daily operation of the church the pastor may appoint an advisory committee.  However, any such advisory committee shall have no power to obligate the church or alter their relationship with district.
  9. The Executive Committee and Home Missions Director shall appoint a church treasurer upon the recommendation of the pastor.
  10. Itineration
  11. Once a pastor has been selected for Home Missions status, and a sight has been chosen to establish a church, he may request permission to itinerate for funds in the district.
  12. Such itineration shall only be done after having received proper permission and the funds shall be held in the district office for the use of the Home Missions church.
  13. The funds raised will be given to the church under the direction of the District Executive Committee and the Home Missions Director.
  14. Details of itineration will be worked out by the Home Missions Committee on an individual basis.
  15. Gifts

Any property, both real and personal, donated to the church shall be considered given to the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District, of which the Home Missions church is a legal part, and shall remain so unless otherwise disposed of by the District Board.

  1. Home Missions Status
  2. The new Home Missions church shall be granted Home Missions status for one year, and further participation shall be dealt with on a six-month basis.  The Home Missions church shall be eligible to receive financial assistance from the Home Missions Department until this time has passed, or until they have become self sufficient.
  3. A Home Missions church shall be considered self sufficient when they have met one of the following conditions:

1)  The time has passed that a church may be considered a Home Missions church.

2)  The church fails to apply for an extension.

3)  The Home Missions Committee or District Board determines that the church is able to operate without the assistance of the Home Missions Department.

  1. A Home Missions church shall be ineligible to receive funds from the department, and shall forfeit any money raised in their name, if they meet one of the following conditions:

1)  The pastor or church fails to cooperate with the District Office and/or Home Missions Department.

2)  Both the Home Missions Committee and the District Board conclude that continuing to finance the work is futile.

  1. Should a church lose Home Missions status because of actions on the part of the church; the District Board shall have the right to redirect any funds held for their use.
  2. Church/District Relationship
  3. Reporting
  4. All Home Missions churches will express full accountability to the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.
  5. Each Home Missions church shall report monthly to the Home Missions Director.
  6. A quarterly report shall be prepared by the Home Missions Director for the Home Missions Committee and the District Board.
  7. The report shall cover the areas of church attendance/growth and finances, and any other information that the pastor would desire to relate.
  8. Purchase of Property
  9. The ultimate goal of the Home Missions Department will be to give guidance, and financial assistance as is available, to the Home Missions church with the intention of purchasing property so that the church might enjoy long-term stability.  The funds for such acquisition will of necessity come from funds raised in district churches and shall be restricted to the purpose of establishing (purchasing, renting, maintaining etc…) a district church.
  10. Therefore, all Home Missions churches established in this manner shall be fully deeded to the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District, and shall not be encumbered, or attached in any way, without express permission by the District Board. This shall include all property, both real and personal.
  11. Fellowship
  12. Knowing the need for encouragement, and understanding the difficulties facing a new congregation, the Home Missions Director and sectional board member shall make every effort to insure that the new church is receiving the fellowship it needs to continue their efforts.
  13. This will include, but not be restricted to, Fellowship Meetings and Youth Ministries Rallies, as quickly as the congregation finds a place to worship that will accommodate the attendance.
  14. The pastors in the section shall be encouraged to support any special services or revivals that may be scheduled.
  15. Standing
  16. When the Home Missions church has been established, and has begun to have services, it shall be reported to the General Headquarters as is required by the I.R.S.
  17. When the church attains 10 members application will be made to the District Board and General Executive Committee for charter.
  18. Only after receiving their charter, will they have the right to send delegate to General Convention, District Convention and sectional business meetings.
  19. Foreign Missions
  20. Be it recommended that we, the churches and ministers of the Ohio District, adopt and support the all-designated foreign missions program presented by the World Missions Department.
  21. Each local church is expected to take an active interest in World Missionary enterprises and to plan for monthly contributions for their support.
  22. All funds returned to the District Office from the World Missions Department shall be placed in the Local Relief fund.



The Leadership Development Ministries shall consist of:

  1. Bishop/Executive Committee
  2. Discipleship Ministries Director
  3. Three LDM graduates, appointed by the Bishop and Christian Education Director

They will serve from May 1st to April 30th of the following year.

The Christian Education Director shall work with the District Bishop on all matters pertaining to the Leadership Development Ministries Program during the course of the year, except when it is deemed necessary to have a Leadership Development Ministries Committee Meeting.

The Leadership Development Ministries Committee shall review and approve the Leadership Development Ministries curriculum each year.

Policy for the Leadership Development Ministries shall be developed by the Leadership Development Ministries Committee, and then approved by the District Board.

New credential applicants that are in the beginning stages of ministry development must enroll in the Leadership Development Ministries.  Exemptions may be granted by the District Board.



(a)  Fellowship meetings may be organized in different localities of the District as may be needed.  The Bishop and Sectional Presbyter will be responsible and expected to create such fellowship by appointing leaders to conduct fellowship meetings in their respective localities.

(b)  Sectional fellowship offerings shall be used to give the speaker an offering with the remainder, if any, to be sent to the District Office treasury.



(a)  Affiliated Assemblies – Assemblies may be set in order, organized and affiliated with the Pentecostal Church of God.

(b)  Cooperative Assemblies – Assemblies may be set in order, organized and be in full cooperation with the Pentecostal Church of God.



  1. Amendments and resolutions concerning this constitution shall be permitted at any annual convention hereafter, providing they have come through the proper committees. Amendments to this constitution shall require a two-thirds majority vote of all members present for adoption.
  2. The author of any resolution to amend the constitution shall have the privilege of speaking first to that motion, so that the intent of said resolution may be made clear.
  3. So that the resolution committee shall have opportunity for processing, resolutions shall close at 2:00 p.m. on the first day of business.
  4. Resolutions may be mailed to the District Office 30 days prior to convention so as to be available in print when convention begins.
  5. The provisions of these bylaws may be temporarily suspended by any convention of the Ohio District Pentecostal Church of God, duly called and regularly held, by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting. Great discretion should however, be used in exercising this privilege.
  6. Resolutions must be signed by the author before they may be processed by the Resolutions Committee.



The District Bishop shall act as Chairman, except when a General Official is invited to chair the meeting, and the District Secretary-Treasurer as Secretary, at all District Conventions and meetings of the Executive Board and the Order of Business shall proceed as follows:

  1. The meeting will be called to order by the Chairman.
  2. The Credentials Committee shall pass upon credentials of delegates, or members, and seat those qualified; and they only, shall vote on all subsequent matters considered by the Convention.
  3. The Chairman shall appoint the various committees prior to convention and recognize the committees at convention, such as:

* Registration Committee

* Entertainment Committee

* Program Committee

* Publicity Committee

* Rules of Order Committee

* Auditing Committee

* Resolution Committee

* Memorial Committee, etc.

  1. Report of Committees
  2. Report of District Bishop
  3. Report of District Secretary-Treasurer
  4. Report of District Presbyter
  5. Report of Home Missions Director
  6. Unfinished Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment















































Whereas, it has pleased God to call through His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, in these last days, the youth of our land into His service, and has witnessed the same by the outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon all flesh and,

Whereas, we, as organized individual groups of Pentecostal young people, desire a more intimate fellowship and interest, which organizing with other groups will facilitate, and desire the encouragement and blessing which is derived by association with other groups of Pentecostal young people, therefore, be it resolved,

That we, organized groups of Pentecostal young people in the various Ohio local churches of the Pentecostal Church of God, shall, with mutual agreement, enter into a covenant of service for our Lord Jesus Christ as an ordained fellowship, and shall be governed by the following bylaws.


The Youth Ministries is the official young people’s work and shall be recognized by all ministers and shall have the cooperation and financial support of same.  It is part of the Pentecostal Church of God, and shall function under the supervision of the General, District, and local officials.  The last day of the District Convention shall be given to Youth Ministries.


  1. This organization shall be known as the Pentecostal Church of God Youth Ministries, of the Ohio District.
  2. The motto of the Youth Ministries shall be: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.”
  3. Our slogan shall be “Victory Through Christ Around the World.”


  1. The purpose of the Youth Ministries Department shall be to encourage one another in the work of the Lord; to stimulate Christian fellowship among ourselves and other Christian youth; to develop our talents and abilities as Christian workers by a life of prayer, in studying the Word of God, the Bible, and through actual participation in the ministry, that souls may be saved and believers filled with the Holy Ghost to increase acts of charity, serve in visiting the sick, and relieve the afflicted and unfortunate and, that the Gifts and Callings of Christ through the Spirit may be shown forth through a life of holy consecration and sincere devotion.
  2. Whereas, God is calling the youth of the world to a personal experience of salvation, through faith in the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, and is then baptizing them in the Holy Ghost, and Whereas He is filling their hearts with a passionate love for souls, and a holy fire and zeal for service and sacrifice,  Therefore, we, The Youth of the Pentecostal Church of God of Ohio, do hereby pledge ourselves to a complete commitment to our Lord, and, recognizing the severity of our times, we hereby unite ourselves to do battle against Satan and his snares, and we will not be found in places of immoral entertainment or exhibition that bring dishonor to the Kingdom of God;

Knowing that Satan will do all he can to hinder us, we will keep ourselves free from all forms of: gambling, tobacco, alcoholic beverages and drugs that are physically and mentally harmful; and we will avoid malicious talk and/or vulgar communications; and we will keep ourselves from the influence of, and personal involvement in witchcraft, astrology and the occult, from types of music which suggest behavior not conductive to wholesome Christianity, and from involvement in premarital, impure and/or unnatural sex; and,

Since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost, we hereby pledge to clothe them with apparel which is neither suggestive nor provocative, but which attracts others to our Lord, rather than our persons: and.

We do further agree to cooperate with our ministers and leaders, and with both our General and District Officials, for the glory of God, and the furtherance of the Gospel.


  1. The Youth Ministries shall be our official youth ministry and, as such, shall be a part of the Pentecostal Church of God and shall work in cooperation with the General and District officials and local pastors. It shall support the objectives and purposes of the General organization and its official publications.
  2. The Bible shall be the rule and guide of faith and life, especially the fundamental truths of Salvation (John 3:5), Divine Healing (James 5:14, 15), Baptism of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:4), and the Second Coming of Christ (Acts 1:11; I Thess. 4:15-17), and shall be in accord with the doctrine of the Pentecostal Church of God.


  1. District youth business shall be conducted at the Annual Convention of the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.
  2. District rallies may be conducted, the time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee.
  3. The District shall be divided into sections and Youth rallies shall be scheduled at the discretion of the Director of Youth Ministries and the District Board.
  4. Joint rallies with other districts may be conducted when authorized by the Executive Committee of both districts.
  5. The District Director of Youth Ministries shall institute other activities of a nature not requiring District Convention action after presentation to and approval of the District Board.
  6. Where practical, there shall be a local Junior work, to be known as the Junior Youth Ministries Department
  7. When attending another church or a rally as a group, at a distance, the local group shall be properly chaperoned, that our good be not evil spoken of.
  8. Youth Ministries shall define age categories as follows: Children 5-12; Teens, 13-19; and ages 20 and up College-Career/Marriage-Family.


  1. The membership of the Youth Ministries Department of the Ohio District shall consist of all local groups and their pastors who have accepted this constitution and have signified by a vote of the membership of the local group that they wish to enter by mutual fellowship into the Ohio District Youth Ministries provided they are in accord with the doctrine as set forth by the Pentecostal Church of God.
  2. Any local group desiring to become a member of the Youth Ministries shall apply to the District Secretary or Director for membership and shall be received in a public service by the Director at which time a certificate of membership shall be presented to the group.
  3. Change of pastors does not affect membership of any local group.
  4. To qualify for membership in the local group, the applicant must be 13 and make confession of faith unto salvation of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A local member in good standing and eligible to vote shall be a member who is faithful to his church and society and has reported by person or letter at least once a month to his respective society.


  1. The officers of the Ohio District Youth Ministries shall be a Director, male or female, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Sectional officer for each section.
  2. The Youth Ministries Department Executive Committee shall consist of the Director of Youth Ministries, the District Bishop, the District Presbyter, and the District Secretary-Treasurer.
  3. All officers must be filled with the Holy Spirit to qualify for office.
  4. The Director must be at least 25 years of age.
  5. The Director must not be encumbered by a position or anything that would prevent him or her from performing the duties of the office. He or she must have an evangelistic message and must have faithfully worked in the District for one year or more.
  6. The Director of Youth Ministries must be credentialed.
  7. Qualifications of Sectional Officers.

(a)  Must be 18 years of age or over.

(b)  Must have had a genuine born again experience and be Spirit filled according to Acts 2:4.

(c)  Must have the endorsement of their pastor.

(d)  Should have had some experience with youth work at the local church level, such as Youth Leader or Assistant, and have a proven spirit of cooperation, and ability for leadership.


  1. The Youth Ministries Department Executive Committee shall be subject to the call of the Director to decide all matters of importance, the decision to stand in force until the time of the next District Board meeting.
  2. Duties of the Director

(a)  The Director shall have the responsibility of conducting all District rallies, Sectional rallies, and District Business meetings of the Youth Ministries.

(b)  The Director shall appoint the chairman and members of any special committees.

(c)  The Director shall use his or her influence in organizing and inviting new groups into the Youth Ministries and encouraging the local groups.

(d)  In event of the absence of the Director from any duties, it shall be the responsibility of the Director to supply another to take his or her place.

(e)  The Director shall take an active role in the promotion of Messenger College, using his influence to recruit high school seniors.

  1. Duties of the Secretary and the Treasurer

(a)  The Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of all District Business meetings of the Youth Ministries.

(b)  The Secretary shall keep a record of the names and addresses of the officers of each local group, with the number of members in the local group, this information to be furnished by the group.

(c)  The Treasurer shall keep a complete businesslike financial report for the District Youth Ministries.

(d)  In the event of the temporary absence of the Secretary or Treasurer from any duties, it shall be the responsibility of the Director to supply another to take his or her place.

  1. Duties of the Sectional Officers

(a)  The Sectional Officers shall promote all aspects of the Youth Ministries Department ministry at fellowship meetings and rallies in their respective sections.

(b)  Will assist the District Director of Youth Ministries in the functions of the Youth Ministries program in their respective sections, and at district rallies, and youth camp as they are available and at the discretion of the District Director of Youth Ministries.

(c)  Must attend all committee meetings and rallies in their sections except when circumstances unavoidably demand their attention elsewhere.

(d)  In the event that the office should become vacant the district Director of Youth Ministries shall present a candidate to the District Bishop for approval prior to appointment.

(e)  The term of office shall be for two years the first term, and four years each term thereafter.  The election shall be held in the rally prior to District Convention.

(f)  The District Bishop shall appoint Sectional Presbyters, on a rotation basis, to be present during the quarterly meetings of the Youth Ministries Department Sectional Committee.

(g)  Youth Ministries Department Sectional Committee members who absent themselves more than 50% from the committee meetings without just cause will forfeit their position.


  1. District legislative business and elections shall be held only at the annual business meeting and all legislative action and election of officers shall be authentic when passed by the Executive Board of the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.
  2. The term of the Director of Youth Ministries shall be:

(a)  First term and successive terms shall be for two years.

(b)  Should the convention fail to reelect the incumbent Director, it is recommended that they be given 30 days to arrange the affairs of the office and vacate same.  In the event of a resignation, it is recommended that the Director give the District Bishop 30 days notice.  These recommendations are subject to other satisfactory arrangements between the Director and the District Bishop.

  1. The Director shall be elected by secret ballot. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be appointed by the Youth Ministries Department Executive Committee.
  2. Those eligible to vote in District Youth Ministries Convention or Sectional meetings, providing they meet all other bylaw requirements, shall be the same as those eligible to vote for district convention business.
  3. District Youth Ministries business shall be conducted during District Convention.


  1. Youth Ministries supplies shall be bought and sold at a profit, the profit to be used in the Youth Ministries work.
  2. Offerings shall be taken at all District rallies, Sectional rallies, and the District Business meetings.

(a)  A report shall be given at District Convention setting forth each monthly contribution for the support of the District Youth Ministries Director of each church in the district.

  1. Finances shall be distributed as follows:

(a)  The morning and afternoon offerings at District Rallies and profit on supplies shall be used as determined by the Executive Committee.

(b)  The evening offerings at the rallies shall go for the support of the Director.

  1. The Youth Ministries by a majority vote may obligate itself for any special financial program.
  2. Each local Youth Ministries group will observe a Youth Outreach Day the second Sunday in February. An offering shall be taken for Messenger College.  This offering is to be sent to the District Youth Ministries Office.
  3. The Youth Ministries shall operate on an annual budget.
  4. The Director of Youth Ministries shall receive a 2 week vacation each year while in office. During this period they shall not have to conduct rallies but shall receive the offering from the rallies.
  5. Whereas many of the churches are small, $200.00 will be given to the winning District Bible Quiz Team to help defray their expenses to the Regional Bible Quiz Finals.
  6. The District Director of Youth Ministries expenses to Summer Fest and General Convention will be paid by the Ohio District Youth Ministries.


  1. The Pentecostal Church of God Youth Ministries of the Ohio District shall be considered a branch of the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.
  2. The Youth Ministries Department shall support the activities and official publications of the Pentecostal Church of God.


The Youth Ministries may own personal property under the corporate name of the Pentecostal Church of God of which it is a branch.


Reports shall be made at the District Board meetings by the Director, of their work and finances.


Two-thirds of ballot voting members or delegates shall constitute a quorum.


  1. The articles of this constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority ballot vote of voters present at any annual business meeting.
  2. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Resolutions Committee.






Women’s Ministries Department















Inasmuch as a great need for an organized ladies work is evident and as local groups feel it of great benefit to band themselves together with other local groups of our district in an organized manner,

Therefore, we, the local ladies’ groups, enter ourselves into a covenant of service for the Master, to be governed by the following Constitutional Agreement and Bylaws, thus creating the Women’s Ministries of the Ohio District.


This ministry shall be known as the Women’s Ministries of the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.


The Women’s Ministries is an official ladies’ work and shall be recognized as such and shall have the cooperation of all ministers.  It is a part of the Pentecostal Church of God and shall function under General, District, and local officials.


The purpose of this program is to stimulate a missionary spirit and to up-build the church.  Realizing that Satan is ever trying to destroy the work of God, we do agree to have and to obey the following as our covenant of duty:

(1)  To visit homes in a missionary effort (win these to Christ and the church).

(2)  To lend help to the needy whenever possible (meals, clothing, etc.).

(3)  To be kind and courteous under all circumstances.

(4)  We shall not gossip about nor criticize the pastor, officers, or members of the church or anyone else.

(5)  We shall at all times work in full cooperation and harmony with our pastor.

(6)  We shall be faithful to our church and pastor by our attendance, prayerfulness, in paying of tithes/dues and in giving contributions.

(7)  We shall in all matters of importance seek the counsel and advice of our pastor and shall conduct ourselves accordingly.

(8)  We shall conduct ourselves in a Godly manner, dress modestly as an example of true Christians, and shall not partake of, nor be seen in questionable places. We shall endeavor never   to bring a reproach upon our church or the cause of Christ by our attitude or conduct.


  1. Membership of the Ohio District Women’s Ministries shall consist of all local groups which have accepted the Constitutional Agreement and Bylaws and doctrinal statements of the Ohio District Women’s Ministries and have been duly set in order.
  2. Any local group desiring membership in the Ohio District Women’s Ministries may apply for such membership to the District Women’s Ministries Director.  These shall be received in a public service by the District Women’s Ministries Director.



  1. The officers of the Ohio District Women’s Ministries Department shall consist of an active Women’s Ministries Director and Women’s Ministries Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The Women’s Ministries Executive Committee shall consist of the District Women’s Ministries Director, the District Bishop, the District Presbyter, and the District Secretary-Treasurer.
  3. Officers must be baptized with the Holy Ghost to qualify for office.
  4. Officers must be at least twenty-one years of age and in good standing with the Pentecostal Church of God.


  1. The local Women’s Ministries officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, or other officers the groups deems necessary.
  2. Qualifications:

(a)  Baptized with the Holy Ghost or actively seeking the same.

(b)  A member in good standing with the local church.


  1. Women’s Ministries Sectional Representatives shall be women of good report, and shall be a minister or the wife of a minister, in good standing with the Pentecostal Church of God, and the section she represents.
  2. The sectional presbyter’s wife shall serve as the ladies’ sectional representative if she so chooses. If she chooses not to serve as the sectional representative, the District Women’s Ministries Director shall appoint a woman to serve from that section.
  3. Sectional Representatives are to promote the Women’s Ministries program in the section they represent, under the supervision of the District Women’s Ministries Director.
  4. It shall be recommended that each Sectional Women’s Ministries Leaders visit each church in her section at least once each year on their Women’s Ministries meeting night for the purpose of inspiring communication and fellowship between the local group, and the Sectional Director.



  1. Be it resolved that, inasmuch as possible, the Women’s Ministries Director shall be the wife of the District Bishop, having supervision over the District Women’s Ministries program.  In the event that this is not possible or the office becomes vacant, the District Board shall appoint a qualified lady to this office.  She shall work in conjunction with the District Board and be recognized as a District Official, but shall not be a member of the District Board.
  2. A quarterly meeting of the Women’s Ministries Sectional Committee shall be held when deemed necessary by the Director, during the time that the District Board is in session and they shall receive thirty cents per mile for travel.
  3. The Women’s Ministries Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the women’s ministries director and that the appointment is approved by the district executive committee.
  4. Each local Woman’s Ministries group must be current in their registration through the District Office in order to seat a delegate at the District Women’s Ministries Convention.
  5. Voting constituency for District and Sectional business and elections shall consist of:

(a)  Each minister and his/her companion.

(b)  The local Women’s Ministries Director.

(c)  One delegate per registered Women’s Ministries group.


  1. The election of local officers shall be held when desired. It is suggested these elections be held annually.
  2. The local Women’s Ministries members and officers shall make up the voting constituency.
  3. The pastor shall be chairman of all business meetings and elections and is privileged to attend any meetings of the Women’s Ministries and has authority over all local officers.


  1. Each local group shall determine the method of receiving and raising finance. However, each group shall participate in District sponsored programs.
  2. An accurate record of finances shall be kept by the local Women’s Ministries Secretary-Treasurer.
  3. When the District Women’s Ministries Director travels to any local group for the purpose of conducting business, they shall receive a freewill love offering for her expenses.
  1. Each local group shall tithe from their projects, etc. to the District Women’s Ministries office for the support of the same.
  2. Twenty-five percent of the tithes/dues received through the District Women’s Ministries office shall go to the District Women’s Ministries Director. Ten percent of the tithes/dues received through the District Women’s Ministries office shall go to the District Women’s Ministries Secretary-Treasurer.


  1. Minister’s Wives Fellowship

Whereas, the minister’s wife is such an important part of her husband’s life and ministry, and since few have the opportunity for Bible training or preparation for work as the partner of a minister; and recognizing the need for training and because minister’s wives share so much in common, a Minister’s Wives Fellowship shall be established for fellowship and training, as an arm of outreach under the auspices of the District Women’s Ministries Executive Committee. It shall be conducted as a yearly event.

(a)  Objectives: To provide each minister’s wife friendship and fellowship with those of like concerns and interest.  To equip and enable her to explore, learn and better understand her role as a minister’s wife.  To further help her fulfill her role in the home, church, and community.

(b)  Membership: Membership shall be for all minister’s wives and lady ministers of the Pentecostal Church of God.

(c)  Organization: The Minister’s Wives Fellowship shall be under the direction of the District Women’s Ministries Executive Committee. It is suggested that the Minister’s Wives Fellowship activities be at district conventions, conferences, seminars, retreats, workshops, etc.  The Minister’s Wives Fellowship shall work always in accord and with the approval of the District Board. The selection of any officers needed shall be left to the discretion of the District Board.

  1. Women’s Ministries Day

In order to help implement and promote the Women’s Ministries Department, Be it recommended that:

(a)  The second Sunday in each January be designated as Women’s Ministries Day, with the ladies of the churches to be involved and featured wherever feasible in our local ministries.

(b)  It is recommended that a special offering be raised on the Women’s Ministries Day for the support of said ministry and to be distributed as follows:

  1. Fifty percent (50%) to the National Women’s Ministries Department.
  2. Twenty-five percent (25%) to the support of the District Women’s Ministries Department.
  3. Twenty-five percent (25%) to support the Women’s Ministries of the local church.
  4. National Day of Prayer

Be it recommended, that our ministries promote and help to lead a National Day of Prayer, to be the same as presently supported by our President of the United States that is held the first Thursday of May each year.


Amendments and resolutions concerning this constitution shall be permitted at any annual convention hereafter, providing they come through proper committees.  Amendments to this constitution shall require a two-thirds majority vote of all members present for adoption.

  • Ohio PCG

    P.O. Box 7130
    270 Harding Street
    Defiance, OH 43512
    (419) 438-4218

    Email: pastorisaacjr@gmail.com

  • Leadership

    Ohio District Bishop –
    Isaac Shelton, Jr.               (419) 438-4218

    Ohio District Presbyter – Joe Turner               (419) 348-1932

    Ohio District Secretary – vacant until September 2024

    Ohio District Home Missions Director –
    Jerry Meyer              (419) 615-8090

    Ohio District Youth Director –
    Andrew Dent            (740) 891-1771

    Ohio District Office Administrator –              Nick Turner              (740) 704-5782

    Ohio District Women’s Ministries Director –
    Alisha Turner              (419) 348-2995

    Women’s/Youth Secretary  –                  Theresa Rhinehart

    Ohio District –
    Sectional Presbyters:

    Central/Northwest  Section –                    Rodney Reynolds

    Lake Erie Section –
    Ray Hylton

    Northeast Section –
    Jim Comstock

    Northern Section –
    L.D. Roessler

    Southeast Section –
    Donald Rowland

    Southwest Section –
    James Maggard


    District Discipleship Ministries Director –

    District King’s Men Director – Norman Wheeler, Jr.

  • Ohio PCG

    P.O. Box 7130
    270 Harding Street
    Defiance, OH 43512
    (419) 438-4218

    Email: pastorisaacjr@gmail.com

  • March 2025
    S M T W T F S
  • March 2025
    S M T W T F S
  • Daily Verse

    “O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.” — Isaiah 25:1 Listen to chapter . Powered by BibleGateway.com.
  • PCG National

    General Office
    2705 Brown Trail
    Bedford, Texas 76021
    (817) 554-5900

    General Bishop
    Wayman Ming, Jr.

    (Elected in June 2017)

    General Secretary
    Kelly Lineberry

    (Elected in November 2023)

    World Missions
    Virgil Kincaid

    Native American Ministries
    David Alvarez

    National Missions
    Andy Hunt

    National Youth Director
    Randy Lawrence

    Messenger College President
    James Rayburn

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